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Create Reports from CAD Files

Create 3D PDF (PDF) report for collaboration. Create 3D HTML (HTML)pages for your internal or company website. Create PowerPoint (PPT) Reports for presentations. Create Bill of Materials (BOM) Reports from CAD assemblies in CSV and PDF formats.

Create 3D PDF Reports

Collaborate with others using 3D PDF reports from Glovius. The 3D PDF includes 3D data, attributes, and Bill of Materials (BoM) table.

Export to 3D HTML

Export your CAD parts and assemblies to 3D HTML. Share via your internal or company website.

Works with all modern browsers. Users can view 3D data, PMI, Product Structure, and Attributes.

Bill of Materials Report

Create Bill of Materials Report for CAD Assemblies. Export to CSV or PDF formats.

Create Presentations

Export CAD parts and assemblies in Microsoft PowerPoint format, PPT. Glovius creates a presentation with Standard Views, Attributes, and Bill of Materials.

Edit the slides for your presentation.