Compare 3D CAD files
Design is an iterative process. As the design of a component is fine-tuned, some features are added, altered, or completely removed. This leads to successive iterations of 3D files with differences that are difficult to communicate with the extended team, especially since the changes are iterative with very minor visual modifications.
Using Glovius, you can compare any two 3D models to find out the differences. Use the Compare feature to visually see the changes in any two versions of a 3D component. You can compare 3D part and assembly files from various formats such as Siemens NX, SolidWorks, Solid Edge, Pro/ENGINEER & Creo, CATIA V5, STEP, IGES, and many more.

The example above highlights the differences between the two versions of a part. The result is shown with the unchanged (translucent), added (shown in blue), and removed (shown in purple ) information. You can also save a report of the changes in a 3D PDF file and share it for collaborating and communicating changes.
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