Glovius Creo Viewer
Glovius is a modern Creo File Viewer. View Creo Part and Assembly files. Measure, analyze, and export Creo files. Download free 15 days trial.
Start Your Creo Viewer Free Trial
- View Creo files (prt and asm file extension)
- Measure Creo files
- Cut dynamic sections
- Convert Creo files
- Accurately measure Creo files with predefined tools and filters.
- Export Creo files to STEP, 3DPDF, STL, Images, and more.
- Analyze Creo files with Collision Detection, Wall Thickness Analysis, Projected Area, Draft Analysis, and Compare.
- Glovius supports all popular CAD formats including CATIA, NX, SolidWorks, STEP, IGES, JT, DWG, and DXF.
Creo Viewer – Frequently Asked Questions
How do I view a Creo file with Glovius?
Download and install Glovius and use the Open command to view files. Or simply double-click a Creo part or assembly file in Windows Explorer. You can also drag and drop Creo files in Glovius to open.
What’s the latest Creo version supported by Glovius?
The latest Creo version supported by Glovius is Creo version 8.0. Newer CAD versions are typically supported within 2 months of their release.
Is Glovius supported on Windows 7?
Glovius Creo Viewer supports Windows 7, Windows 10 and Windows 11. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported.
Does Glovius read PMIs in Creo files?
Yes. Glovius reads boundary representations (3D), Product Structure, Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI), and Attributes from Creo files.
Can I convert a Creo file to STEP with Glovius?
Yes. With Glovius PLUS, export Creo part and assembly files to STEP, IGES, and more. All Glovius users can export a Creo file to STL, 3D PDF, and Image formats.
How long is the free trial?
15 days.
Do you offer any technical support?
Yes. For any questions, email us at support@glovius.com.
What’s the difference between Glovius and Creo View?
Glovius is a modern CAD viewer that’s simple and easy to use.
Glovius opens all popular CAD file-formats including CATIA, NX, Creo, SolidWorks, STEP, IGES, DWG, DXF, and JT.
Glovius offers powerful analysis tools like Accurate Measurement, Dynamic Sectioning, File Compare, Thickness Analysis, Collision Detection, Export to a variety of formats, and more.
How frequently is Glovius updated?
Glovius follows the Agile development methodology. Typically, a new release is available every month.
How do I view Creo files online?
To view Creo files online, visit Glovius Cloud. Register and upload your part and assembly files from all popular CAD formats to view them online.
How do I view Creo files on a Mac?
To view Creo files on your Mac, visit Glovius Cloud.
How do I view Creo files on an iPhone, iPad, or Android phone or tablet?
Download Glovius apps for Apple and Android devices and view Creo files on your mobile devices.
What’s the price of a single license?
Glovius is available in monthly, annual, permanent, and floating licenses. Prices start from $45 $36/month. Visit the online store to know more.