As we enter the holiday season, here’s a recap of the top 5 things we shipped in 2023 –
A fully revamped Analyze feature
We added a new Accurate mode to compute results with tighter bounding boxes and accurate values. Analyze values now consider component visibility. We added support for custom materials, with a simple CSV file to create your own material lists. This makes it easy to apply materials used to make components.

Support for new CAD versions
We added support for CATIA 2023, Creo 10, NX 2212, Solidworks 2023, SolidEdge 2023 and Parasolid 35.0, and Inventor 2024.
Added more information to Measurement markups
Measurement markups now provide more information about the measurements, such as the units, tolerances, and datums. This makes it easier to understand and use the measurements.

Performance improvements
include reduced computation time during opening of Files, Loading Product Structure and Tools computation. This makes Glovius faster and more responsive.
For a full list of release notes, please visit
In 2024, we plan to add more features in Glovius that help you to become more productive in analyzing 3D CAD files. Some of the features in the pipeline are –
Identify and select Geometry features to quickly determine manufacturing steps
This feature will allow you to quickly and easily identify the different geometric features of a 3D CAD file, such as edges, faces, and vertices. This information can then be used to determine the best manufacturing process for the part.
Persist your actions and save in a separate file to save your day’s work in 3D
This feature will allow you to save your work in Glovius so you can pick up where you left off.
This is especially helpful if you are working on a large or complex project.
Export 3D CAD files in Batch. This feature will allow you to quickly and easily export multiple 3D CAD files to a variety of formats, such as 3D PDF, images, and other supported export file types.
We value your feedback on new features that you need to be more productive
If you have any suggestions or feedback to make Glovius better for you, please email us at
We are grateful for your support
We are committed to providing you with the best possible 3D CAD analysis software. We look forward to 2024, and make Glovius the best tool for viewing and analyzing 3D CAD files.
Download Glovius for a free 15 day trial.
Happy Holidays!